In English

28 Haziran 2015 Pazar



                Our country is like paradise. Every corner has a unique beauty. Turkey can comparable with very few countries in the world about the history and culture. We have the most fertile soil and the most strategic location in the World. Nobody can argue with them. So, where are we in the world in economic terms? The World turns into a structure centered economy. People choose and dismiss government according to its economic performance. In today’s world, property, peace, health and happiness path through the economy. Powerful states are indebted this power to the its economy. Countries which makes its economies strong are leading the world. In this context, knowing that how is our own country’s economy arises.
                First, let’s look at the most general perspective. The initial viewed data when economies reviewing is GDP. Let me briefly mention what that meant before entering data. GDP is produced everything in a country in a time slot. Turkey’s 2013 GDP is calculated as $ 822 billion. When world countries are ranking about this data, Turkey can find a place ranked #17. Meanwhile, there is an important detail. Turkey is one of the largest 18 economy for nearly 60 years.  But there is a more specific information that are providing information on the economic level of the people from total GDP. It is per capita GDP. GDP per ca-pita finds GDP divided by the population. It is $ 10.404 for Turkey. The GDP per capita ranking situation does not seem very encouraging. Our country ranked #62 in the world in this data. It needs to be made clear that Turkey’s national income per capita is not move forward for more than five years.
                Let’s look at this in terms of agriculture. Turkey is known as an agricultural country. Our country with fertile soils and agricultural traditions has high agricultural potential in countries. If we look at the data that interest us, we see Turkey’s agricultural revenue at $ 62 billion. In this respect, we first rank in Europe. If we look at the world we rank #7. We is one of the country that have a say in the world about agriculture. But we are well below than our agriculture potential. So, Turkey will be able to have higher levels of agriculture production wit the right policies.
       Another indicator of the economy is industrial production and industrialization level. Industrialization is an essential condition for economic development. Our country is seems underdeveloped of industrialization of western countries. We look better than the Asia and African countries
                Another indicator is the financial indicators. We need to look at the performance of the İstanbul Stock Exchange to evaluate it. Borsa İstanbul has a market capitalization of $ 196 billion  and 416 companies. İstanbul Stock Exchange is ranked #37 in 57 world stock exchanges. İstanbul Stock Exchange is trying to become more powerful over time.

          All under the guidance, we have an idea about our country’s economic position in the world.  Turkey is in the case below its potential. Making some reforms and changing policy seems inevitable for our  economy climb to upper ranks.

P.S: I am so sorry for my English. It is getting better in time.

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